Bitcoin ETF Roadmap

Bitcoin ETF Development Blog
2 min readOct 16, 2021

Quarter Four 2021

BETF Token Launch

Our initial token launch will come with a simple staking dApp that will allow users to stake BETF and receive rewards in BETF or BTC.

Initial Social Media Campaign including Influencer Promotions

Alongside intra-cryptocurrency community advertising, we have several influencer promotional campaigns planned and arranged to help boost early numbers.

CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap Listings

Once reaching the necessary thresholds, Bitcoin ETF will seek listing on both CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap to facilitate price tracking.

Bitcoin ETF Mobile Wallet Beta

Planned to supplement our dApp, the Mobile Wallet will allow both stake management and person-to-person transactions.

Quarter One 2022

Full Mobile Wallet dApp Release

After ironing out any bugs through the closed beta, we will release the app to allow holders in early 2022.

Initial Staking Pools Available

Beyond the basic staking reward pools, we will introduce leveraged pools that take advantage of margin within the futures market. This allows for higher profits — still avoiding complete liquidation.

Governance Protocol Activation

Once our basic platform is established, we will open governance to all BETF holders with votes weighted by holdings.

Quarter Two 2022

Ethereum and Binance Coin ETF Release

Opening Bitcoin ETF up to additional staking pools will provide our investors with greater options moving forward — while attracting new investors.

Binance Listing

Additional purchasing locations — including Binance — will allow BETF to grow exponentially. However, this will require a more complete platform, so we are aiming for a conservative Q2 listing.

Cross-Project Promotion with Prominent BCS-based Projects

After our initial three staking pools, BETF will open to promotional partnerships with other start-ups in the Binance SmartChain environment. This cross-promotion will benefit both BETF and projects that create staking pools.

